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Verfügbarkeit FirstClass GO mobile Clients

FirstClass Go - die neuen mobilen Clients sind nun für Sie erhältlich für alle iOS und Android Geräte. Sie können kostenlos in den den entsprechenden Application Stores verfügbar. (iOS: App Store, Android: Play Store).

Bitte stellen Sie vor der verwendung unbedingt sicher, dass der Server mit dem Sie sich verbinden möchten die Systemvoraussetzungen für FirstClass go erfüllt. Dazu müssen folgende  Versionen installierst sein:

FirstClass Server Version 12 Build 1303
FirstClass Internet Services 12 Build 11.165
FirstClass Web Services 12 Build 136

Fragen Sie im Zweifel bei Ihrem Admin nach.

FirstClass Server Betreiber mit gültigem ServiceVertrag erhalten diese ServicePacks und Updates im Rahmen Ihres ServiceVertrages. Die Lieferung erfolgt automatisch via Gateway an den Server (FC Update Service).

Bitte setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, wenn Sie die ServicePacks und Updates trotz gültigem ServiceVertrag nicht erhalten haben oder wenn Ihr ServiceVertrag abgelaufen ist und Sie ein Angebot für die Verlängerung benötigen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Yvonne Ewald

kki FirstClass Deutschland eK
Erlenweg 9 • 64665 Alsbach

Tel: +49 6257 940 0 • Fax: +49 6257 940 100
FC via IP: fc.kki.de Port 510

Offizieller Distributor für FirstClass und Third Party Zusatzprodukte
AG Darmstadt  HRA 6554
Inhaber: Andreas Kölsch


FirstClass Division Product Bulletin

Title: FirstClass GO Release Announcement
Bulletin Number: 284
Version: 1.0
Date: July 17, 2014


This Product Bulletin is intended for distribution to FirstClass Divisions installed base Administrators, Customer Support Center Teams, Business Development Center teams, Account Managers, and Channel Partners.


This is an announcement of the general availability (GA) of FirstClass GO for iOS and Android Mobile Devices. An additional release for Windows Mobile will follow.


Please ensure that you have made the necessary updates to your organizations FirstClass Server Suite

Minimum system requirements:

  • FirstClass Server Version 12 Build 1303
  • FirstClass Internet Services 12 Build 11.165
  • FirstClass Web Services 12 Build 136
Device Minimum Requirements

  • iOS 6.0
  • Android 4.3

FirstClass GO can be downloaded from the device's respective Application Store. (iOS: App Store, Android: Play Store)


To renew or purchase your M&S contract, please contact your regional Sales Support Center listed at the end of this bulletin.

FirstClass GO

FirstClass GO is a brand new mobile interface based on FirstClass Web Services

You can access your FirstClass content right at your fingertips, wherever you are. FirstClass GO, you can use your Android™ supported device, iPhone®, iPod touch®, or iPad™ to access:

•     Email: view, create, reply to, forward, watch, check history, unsend, and delete personal and conference messages.
•     Voice mail: play voice messages encoded in MP3 format.
•     Contacts: create, view, and update your contacts and mail lists.
•     Calendars: create events and tasks, respond to invitations, combine calendars into one view, and create calendars.
•     Conferences: approve messages sent to conferences and create conferences.
•     Communities: view, create, comment on, watch, check history, approve, and delete community posts. Upload files to communities. Maintain communal wikis. Join and subscribe to communities. Create communities.
•     Profile: maintain your profile and blog.
•     Drafts: save unfinished work as drafts.
•     File storage: upload files to your own personal file storage area.
•     Documents: create HTML documents in your own personal document storage area.
•     My People: maintain your personal buddy list.
•     Pulse: keep track of others' activity and comment on their status posts.
•     Chats: chat online with others.
•     Updates: monitor items you are watching for activity, check out invitations to communities, and maintain your list of community subscriptions, all right on your desktop.
•     Colored dots: see at a glance who is online and what is new.

Anytime - Anywhere Access

Users can take FirstClass with them wherever they go and have all of the power of FirstClass in the palm of their hands - delivering a true "anytime, anywhere" secured mobile collaboration experience.

Contact Information


To purchase a FirstClass product or user licenses, please contact our Sales Department or your local FirstClass reseller.

Sales Support
To renew or purchase your M&S contract, contact your regional Sales Support center.

Customer Support
Site administrators should contact their regional customer support center, if technical assistance is required.

FirstClass, OpenText and the associated logos used herein are trademarks of OpenText Corporation and/or its subsidiary used under license

<End of Product Bulletin>