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From:Monday, November 13, 2017 2:26 PM +0100
Subject:Linux FirstClass Server 16.1.3516 Fullnstaller 
  FirstClass® Server 16.1

16.1 Build 3516
GA Release

Once you run the server version 16.1 and above you may roll back to 12.1 B2169.

You must have a FirstClass 16.0 server license in order to login to this server as anything but the administrator account.

This FirstClass 16.1 B3516 server release may be used as a FirstClass archive server.

Known Limitations / Issues:

  • Changing indexing default values can impact system performance.
  • FCAS build versions equal to or greater than 4098 up to but not including 4524 are not supported with this server build.
  • FCAS build versions prior to 3243 are not supported with this server build.

You must have a FirstClass 16.0 server license in order to login to this server as anything but the administrator account.

  • This release of the FirstClass Server requires a 64-bit (x64) operating system.
  • This release of the FirstClass Server should be administered with a FirstClass® Client version 12.122 (or better).  Please note that some of the new features require a 16.0 client and new forms.

Component Information:

  • fcsd_linux_16.1.3516.tgz (Linux - Tar archive of the FirstClass Server executable installer)
Fixes and Changes since previous FirstClass 16.1 beta (B3514):


  • Fixed crash when checking for password compliance update on NULL OFR.
  • Fixed crash when batch admin message's file size has not been set prior to requesting progress. A very small window but it is now closed.

Fixes and Changes since FirstClass 16.0:


  • Sending to 2 conferences with similar names now delivers to both conferences.
  • Fixed crash when server cannot open DocID file.
  • Added report when flushing forward index and out of memory.
  • Fixed a crash when inside a maillist a error happened opening either another maillist or a contact file. This was mainly seen on Linux, but memory corruption possible on all platforms.
  • Fixed a bug where multiple contacts inside of a maillist would not deliver to the second contact with same contact but different offset (personal/business).
  • Updated product to 16.1.
  • Fixed memory leak when opening something with a PermaLink.
  • Include SMTP connections when disabling Internet access.

  • Avoid premature removal of calendar events due to deleted exclusions.
  • Enhanced the auditing of PrivGroups to try and catch any group inconsistencies.
  • Added diagnostic to report which containers had entries that exceeded NextUID to allow for further investigation.
  • Pre validate users' passwords against new censored passwords to avoid doing all of them at log in time.

  • Remove repeat when sending a calendar event cancellation notification.
  • Avoid second time zone conversion that resulted in the wrong date being shown if the display time zone is earlier than the system time zone.
  • Prevent initial occurrence date update from causing an unnecessary resend of a calendar event.
  • Changes to allow IS to send event cancellation to external users and the server to local users.
  • Fix to allow deletion of single occurrence of a repeating event from the list level.
  • Set "Show as" to free for cancellation notifications.

  • Updated reporting of cached OCBs not being removed.
  • Fixed crash when reporting a bad gateway download attachment.
  • Changed year to 2017.
  • Fixed a crash where trying to update unread tracking, the attempt to resize a handle was negative.
  • Fixed a bug where the docID header informatiom was written with too many bytes, writing garbage inito the file.
  • Fix for files left open when file was sent to indexer when indexing not yet loaded.
  • Check for indexing ready so we can fall back to old search.
  • Increased min word length to 3
  • Reduced longest word from 200 to 30.
  • Added hex detection. Looks for "0x" and then hex characters.
  • If words switch between alpha and numeric, we skip until delimiter.
  • String starting with "0" but not followed by 'x' will be a string of numbers until delimiter (or dropped if letters) - good for phone numbers
  • (905) 762 -0006 will parse to 905 and 762 and 0006,  001721-0005-54322 to 001721 0005 and 54322
  • Count docid files and load in tasks.
  • Added the ability to abort the saving of the forward index during fast shutdown.  The admin can now hit Ctrl-C 6 times to abort forward index flush.

Mail Delivery

  • Changes to schedule hot tasks in a more uniform manner to avoid drop outs.
  • Fix for Global Mail lists deleted but still in directory.
  • Fix:  Mail delivery bug, where similar names would not get delivered to.
  • Change to set MTA delivery exclusion options properly.



  • Show Gateways now uses a pop up message showing more details.
  • Added "[M]" to the login stat form mobile connections.
  • Improved the reporting for Show Notify table.
  • Added reporting of path for notification records not associated with a CID.
Access Notification

  • Made Access Notification message localizable through strings resource ID 1307.
Change Tracking
  • Changes to specific administrative forms will be tracked and an email message will be sent to the user and administrator indicating the changes.
  • Change tracking modifications now handle Sharing of documents.
  • Added more admin forms that we track changes for and also report the changes to the stats file when the enabled on the stats control form.
  • Optimization to check if there are sufficient rights to make changes prior to initializing change tracking.
Forms currently tracked:
  • System Profile
  • Stats & Billing
  • Groups (Privilege, Conference and Calendar)
  • Group (Conference and Calendar) permissions
  • Global mail lists
  • Gateway configuration
  • Internet Services configuration
  • User information
  • Server tools
  • System administration calendar events
  • Properties/get info for Volumes (mirroring changes)
Device Notifications

  • Include PermaLink information in device notifications to allow the swipe action to take the user immediately to the item.
  • Added optimization to only check the notification table for those users that have requested a notification.
  • Change to commit the CID of the account for each notification registration.
  • Corrected the data structure used for notification PermaLinks to not be written to disk.
  • Corrected initialization of new fields when upgrading the notification table.

  • Single audit reports group membership and their attributes.
  • Full audit reports groups that have key attributes.
  • Show Groups now uses a pop up message showing more details.
  • Better reporting when diagnosing groups.
  • Added stats log entry when a pop up is used to Show Groups.

Indexer spam detection

        Added the ability for admin to maintain a SPAM detection file, which will help avoiding garbage making it's way into the search index dictionary.  Below is a sample file.  Place this file ("indexingspam") in the FCNS folder, or in the FCServer folder. (search for FCNS file first). If any of the entries are found, the body of the message will not be indexed.

# Title, Text String, 0 or 1 (strncmp OR strstr)
Subject,Mail delivery failed,0
Subject,Mail Delivery F,0
Subject,failure notice,1
# Title, Text String, nBytes to scan, Offset
Body,spam message rejected, 1024, 0
Body,This message was created automatically, 100, 0
Body,Below this line is a copy, 1024, 0
Body,Return-Path:, 1024, 0
Body,Content-Type:, 1024, 0
Body,-- Transcript of session follows --, 1024, 0
Body,Hi. This is the qmail-send program, 100, 0
Body,*** Original Message ***, 1024, 0
Body,**Message you sent was blocked by our bulk email filter**, 1024, 0
Body,This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification, 1024, 0
Body,Message could not be delivered., 1024, 0
# Title, Text String,  0 or 1 (strncmp OR strstr)
From, Internet Mail Service, 0
From, Batch Admin, 0

Mail List Administration

  • Restrict mail list administrators to only local users (requires a 16.1 client).


  • Show Notify now uses a pop up message showing more details.


  • Ability to force a change password on an individual user (requires a 16.1 client).
  • Ability to force a change password on a group of users (requires a 16.1 client).
  • Completed group based password censorship list.
Admin must create a text file with the same name as a group with password censorship with extension "!PW"
The file must contain one censored password per line in the following format:
<Policy> <Password>

Policy:         0 - Contains, 1 - Starts with, 2 - Matches exactly
Password:       Any 27 bytes of characters

This file must be uploaded to the groups folder and the Icon and subject will be set

To enable this feature you must select the additional restrictions on the group of the same name
  • Added check to avoid checking groups for censorship when they aren't any.

Paused Mirroring Notifications

  • Implemented an admin notification when the mirror remains in a Paused state longer than the configured time.
Notification consists of log entry as well as a message sent to the admin.
  • Added the ability to configure the warning intervals for a paused mirror from the Server Control form (requires a 16.1 client).


  • Show Alarms now uses a pop up message showing more details.
Suggested Testing

  • Repeating calendar events with both FC16 and pre FC16 clients.  Especially making changes to one event in the series.
  • Loaded index at startup, search, add new files to index, search....
  • Creating index from scratch, search,  shutdown.
  • Full audits.
  • Complete regression tests.
  • Test of existing FCAS applications, where possible.
  • The fixes/changes above, where possible.
Installation Notes:

Linux Installation

Installation Overview
        The fcsd_linux_16.1.3516.tgz file delivered to your server via the FirstClass update server is for updating the FirstClass Server executables on Linux.  Note that the update installer now replaces the fcsctl script located in /usr/local/.   If you have customized this script, make a backup of your current fcsctl script before running the update installer.

Installation Prerequisites (one-time requirements):
  • The server requires a user with a userid of 'fcadmin' (and any full name, but "FirstClass Administrator" is recommended).  This user must be a member of the 'adm' group.
  • After creating this user and adding it to the 'adm' group, log out and back in as 'fcadmin'.  Create this group first, if it does not already exist.
Installation Instructions
  • Ensure the 'fcadmin' account has been created as per the instructions above, that the account is a member of the 'adm' group, and that you have logged out and back in as 'fcadmin'.  This is required to ensure that the 'adm' group change is applied.
  • Make sure that you have a properly installed and configured FirstClass Server 12.1 SP2 B2169 before proceeding.
  • Download the attached (fcsd_linux_16.1.3516.tgz) tar file.
  • Start a shell Terminal window, and "cd" to your download location.
  • Extract the files in the installer tar file, using this command:
                        tar xzf fcsd_linux_16.1.3516.tgz
  • "cd" into installer package directory as in the below example.
                cd fcsd_16.1.3516
  • Start the installer, and answer the prompts as asked.  Note: If your fcadmin account does not have sudoer privileges you will be asked to re-run the installer after first becoming "root" by executing the "su" command.
  • Once the installation is complete you can delete the temporary package directory and downloaded tar file.